Registered Name: RHF Jasmin

2012 Black & White Half-Andalusian Mare

Registered with the IALHA (S), and life registered with the USEF


USEF Sire of the year & Imported from Spain



Chestnut & White Pinto Dressage Mare

RHF Jasmin

Dressage built and bred Half Andalusian mare. One of our best Half-Andalusian Mares. 9’s and 10’s on her walk and trot every time in the arena


2014 Half-Andalusian IALHA National Champion Best Movement

2015 Half-Andalusian IALHA R. National Champion Best Movement

2016 IALHA Grand National Champion Half-Andalusian Mare

2016 IALHA National Champion Half-Andalusian Best Movement

2016 IALHA National Champion Half-Andalusian DSH Mares

2016 IALHA National Champion Half-Andalusian ATH Mares

2016 IALHA National Champion Half-Andalusian Driving – Open

2016 IALHA National Champion Half-Andalusian Driving – ATD

2016 IALHA National Champion Half-Andalusian Driving – Junior Horse

RHF Jasmin
RHF Jasmin

The pedigree of RHF Jasmin includes: Adivina, Agente, Bandida 1968, Badica, Cazo, Delegado Mac, Dormilona V, Enamorado IV, Enamorada V 1974, Felena, Fucilazo-Cen, Fragata V, Ganador VIII, Ganadora IV, Hispano IV, Halagado, Hurona III, Habanero IV, Leviton, Lavandera 1957, Nostalgico, Quilate II, Queimada, Sesamo, Talisman,  Usada 1956, Vasallo II, Valquiria, Valido, Yola VII,

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Royal Horse Farms 11 time USEF Breeder of the Year.