2018 Gray P.R.E. Andalusian Mare
Registered Name: RHF Querida
Registered with the Spanish Stud Book through ANCCE, and Registered with the IALHA (S)

Yet another amazing daughter from the great Nogalesa-Star! Huge movement, tons of knee action and a great temperament. Sired by our multiple champion Guerrero Roy (son of Dobladillo II). This filly will be a super star!
Height as of June 20, 2024 – 152cm
Knee 30 cm – Cannon 20 cm
Predicted height once finished growing 15.1-15.2 hh

The pedigree of RHF Querida includes: Arcillosa, Albero II, Ancira II, Aureola II, Algabena IV, Aborrecida, Adivina, Animoso II, Aguilita II, Americana IV, Azucena II, Bilbaino III, Burladora-Mac, Bizarra IV 1947, Bizarro IV, Bilbaino III, Briosa III, Brioso VII, Baronesa II, Campina, Cascabela, Celoso III, Castiza II, Cascabel, Cesar, Cantabra II, Codicioso-Mac, Cancionera II, Destinado IV, Destinada II, Dedil 1962, Distinguida VI, Descarado XVI, Descarada IV, Descarado V, Destinada, Descarado II, Destinada VI, Descarada, Dobladillo II, Delicada III, Destinado IV, Endrino, Electra II, Estepa-Cen, Empalagosa, Estudiosa, Favorito X, Fuedo II, Floreada, Farruca II, Fetiche, Genil, Gastador VIII, Guerrero Roy, Garboso XII, Gobernador IV, Garbosa VI, Gobernadora, Gobernadora III, Generoso VIII, Hosco II, Hechicera IX, Hosca 1953, Huerfanita IV, Hosca 1953, Halcon, Hosco IV, Habanero IV, Indiana IV, Indiano II, Iberica, Juglar, Jamonero, Jocosa VI, Jubilosa VI, Jubilosa II, Jubiloso VII, Jocosa XII, Karioca, Kan, Lusitania, Mastil, Mejorana, Mejicana III, Mejicano VII, Mejicana III, Mejicano VI, Nogalesa-Star, Navarra VII, Navarro VI, Nevada 1946, Nevado III, Novato, Nene III, Oficiala VI, Poseido III, Primoroso III, Rafaga 1963, Raqueta, Senalado, Tatuaje, Toledana IV, Toledano VI, Tabachin, Usada 1956, Urgencia, Valido, Vasallo II, Ventera II, Zurito II, Zurcidor VII,
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Royal Horse Farms 11 time USEF Breeder of the Year.